Why the FFV?

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Why focus on the Forgotten Five?

FFV media is motivated by a desire to bring the good news to least reached peoples.  During our time of service with Channel North Africa (CNA) we developed a growing burden for these languages.  So little evangelistic audio-visual material existed in these languages that CNA could not create any meaningful block of programming for them.  We were aware of a growing amount of great products in English, French or Arabic which could be dubbed into these languages.  It seemed that there was no dedicated media group focussing exclusively on these unreached languages – this is what FFV media was created for.
We are motivated by the belief that video is perhaps the single most powerful evangelistic medium for reaching the unreached, and by the fact that there are very few known believers in any of the below listed langauge groups.
It is certain that in the years to come the above people groups will have increasing access to the internet. Currently there is years of hard work needed to make the gospel available in audio-visual form for them so that when they do have access, there is content available for them to watch.
In the past years there has been a move of God amongst the Kabyle people group of northern Algeria. The amount of broadcastable minutes of gospel content in Kabyle now exceeds 30 thousand, this compared with less than 500 minutes in the other five key Berber langages of North Africa (this has changed a lot recently, to be updated soon). We believe that the ongoing huge harvest of souls amongst the Kabyles is in part directly related to the gospel video content to which this people have had access in their own langage. We want to help prepare a future harvest amongst the other largely unreached people groups.

We plan to do this by :

  • Identifying key gospel video content that should be dubbed into these langages
  • Working on project proposals that will enable funding to be found for each project
  • Finding native speakers of the langages for the translation and dubbing work
  • Overseeing the work and its publishing on Satellite TV, Internet and elsewhere.