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Few videos have greater impact on North African viewers than the powerful testimonies of other North Africans as they tell how God touched and transformed their lives. The Proclaim Creative Arts group are tailoring a large number of testimonies to facilitate the process of adding new languages to them. This project aims to take a selection (initially 10) of the best testimonies and to dub them into all of the ffv languages.
One of the big challenges for media organizations seeking to share the gospel of Christ in the Muslim world is the great reluctance of many to go on camera. For many, being seen sharing your experience with Christ on camera is either dangerous or source of huge family troubles. Members of a Muslim community who publicly acknowledge their allegiance to Christ are seen as traitors and aggressors of their families and society. It is particularly difficult to find believers from communities where there is no organized visible Christian Church to testify publicly.
It was for the above reasons that when a brother went down to Mali and came back with more than 10 beautiful testimonies from Tuareg believers on camera, with the rights to broadcast, we were both surprised and overjoyed. Our surprise and joy doubled when, after another Tuareg believer kindly agreed to subtitle these testimonies into French, we could understand what these brothers were saying. These testimonies were amongst the clearest most powerful explanations of how a person from a Muslim background can come to know and follow Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that we are delighted to now take a selection of these wonderful testimonies and to dub them into the other unreached Berber languages of North Africa.
During the years I personally lived in Morocco I often heard North Africans communicating that there are no Christian believers amongst their people, and none to speak of among any of the North African peoples (other than those who are paid to say they are Christians). These testimonies break down these false ideas and show clearly that these brethren came to Christ of their own accord, in their own way, and for the right reasons. We are proud to present the first of several testimonies that we plan to dub into all the other four FFV languages.

FFV project

This project aims, using the existing subtitles, to dub the testimony of brother Daniel into the other key four Berber languages of North Africa. Daniel's testimony will be one of the first testimonies of North African believers available on video in all five key unreached Berber languages of North Africa.